Frequently Asked Question

What do I need to do to submit a purchase request?
Last Updated 5 months ago

Before proceeding, do you have budget approval for this purchase request? If no, obtain budget approval before filling out this form.

Software and hardware purchase requests are submitted through the ticketing system. Purchasing is governed overall by District Board Policy DJAR. There are restrictions governing contract terms and agreements. You can save time by familiarizing yourself with these restrictions, and examining any contracts or agreements provided by the vendor. If any of the language that appears in the contract is restricted by the Board, the contract will not be advanced. There are no exceptions to this district policy.

To submit a software or hardware purchasing request, submit a ticket

through the form on this system

or click on "Open A New Ticket" at the top of this page. Select "Purchases" in the help topic to enable to the purchase form.

All computer hardware requests (desktops, laptops, docking stations, monitors) must be placed through a district approved vendor. If you are requesting these items only, you can email your request to support.

Please note, peripheral devices such as keyboards, mice, and headphones are considered office supplies. Please submit those requests through your department.

All requests that meet any of the following criteria must receive legal approval before a purchase request can be made.

  • Non-template contracts involving student data (e.g., university research projects, school pictures/IDs/yearbooks, software, etc)
  • Non-template partner agreements for providing direct services to students
  • Non-template grants
  • Raffles/lotteries

Any written contract shall not include any of the below conditions or terms. If any of the below conditions are included in a written contract, that condition or term is considered null and void.

Any requirement that the District indemnify or hold harmless another person or entity;

• Any requirement that the District or contracting entity participate in binding arbitration or other extra-judicial process for dispute resolution;

• Any requirement that the District agree to limit liability of another person or entity for bodily injury, death, or damage to school district property;

• Any waiver, alteration, or limitation of the application of the “Colorado Governmental Immunity Act”;

• Any waiver, alteration, or limitation of the application of the “Student Data Transparency and Security Act” or the “Colorado Privacy Act”;

• Any conflict with Colorado law or associated rules under state statute.

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